Total voter turnout: 37.69%

Map Key
Allwedd y map

  • Independent
  • Independents @ Swansea
  • Labour Party
  • Plaid Cymru
  • The People's Representative
  • Welsh Conservative Party
  • Welsh Liberal Democrats


This is your simple to use interactive guide to the local authority election results in Swansea. On the map are coloured shapes that symbolise the seats in each electoral division. Before the results come in, the shapes will remain as grey circles. As the results come in the grey circle will take on the colour and shape of the winning parties.

Click on each coloured shape to find out the result from that electoral division.


Dyma'ch arweiniad rhyngweithiol syml i ganlyniadau etholiadau llywodraeth leol yn Abertawe. Ar y map mae siapiau lliwgar sy'n dynodi'r seddi ym mhob adran etholiadol. Cyn i'r canlyniadau gael eu cyhoeddi, bydd y siapiau'n parhau i fod yn gylchoedd llwyd. Wrth i'r canlyniadau ddod i mewn bydd y cylch llwyd yn troi'n lliw a siāp y pleidiau buddugol.

Cliciwch ar bob siāp lliw er mwyn darganfod y canlyniad ar gyfer yr adran etholiadol honno.